Thunder Road: Vendetta

Thunder Road: Vendetta

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight, Preorders
Preorders are open for, Carnival of Chaos is an expansion for Thunder Road: Vendetta (or Thunder Road: Vendetta – Maximum Chrome) that offers a new way to play. Players race their cars into the arena, collecting wild party favors, powerful super-weapons, and precious scrap along the way. This expansion also includes a full set of vehicles and a dashboard, so you can play with a fifth player using this expansion or in the regular game. Unlike a regular game of Thunder Road: Vendetta, the winner of the Carnival of Chaos is the surviving player who has the most scrap at the end of the game. There is no finish line. Call, message us, or stop by to request your copy today! #preordernow #preorder #thunderroadvendtta #boardgame #oneplease
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Preorder open now for, Dorfromantik: Sakura

Board Game, Preorders
Preorder open now for, Dorfromantik: Sakura! Call, message, or stop by to request your copy today! Are you ready for a new Dorfromantik campaign? In Dorfromantik Sakura, you will explore the beautiful countryside of Japan and discover a new world filled with fresh challenges: From Cherry blossoms (Sakura, in Japanese) that introduces a new element of gameplay, more than 40 achievements to unlock, and 6 boxes of new game content to reveal, your journey will be filled with surprises! Ages 14 and up 1-6 players 30-90 minute playtime
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Preorders are open for Apiary: Expanding the Hive

Board Game, Preorders
Apiary: Expanding the Hive is a "more stuff" expansion, with more of what fans love about Apiary. It adds to the variety of the core game with components all designed to fit inside the original insert. This expansion fully fits within your core Apiary box and can be recycled once integrated. The expansion also replaces the original frame mats with new variable frames, along with some revised versions of a few tiles and complete appendix encompassing the core game and the expansion. $25.00 Call, message, or stop by to request your copy today!
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Preorder The Vale of Eternity: Artifacts

Preorder The Vale of Eternity: Artifacts

Board Game, Preorders
Preorders are open for, The Vale of Eternity: Artifacts, an expansion for The Vale of Eternity, adds 28 creature cards with new effects to the deck, as well as artifacts that players draft during the hunting phase at the start of each round. In more detail, at the start of a round reveal twice as many creatures as players in the usual way, then starting with the first player, each player drafts an artifact without their marker on it by placing their marker on that artifact. (In effect, you can't draft the same artifact you had the previous round.) Some artifacts have instant effects you use immediately, others give you a permanent effect that entire round, and others grant you an action that you can use once on a turn.…
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Preorders are open for, King of Tokyo Duel

Board Game, Preorders
As night falls on Tokyo, two massive silhouettes rise from the smoke snaking up from destroyed skyscrapers. There can be only one who will be crowned King of Tokyo, either by annihilating their rival or by inspiring terror and awe from the crowds. King of Tokyo Duel is a two-player tug-of-war dice game in the King of Tokyo line. Choose your uniquely-powered monster and roll new dice to draw the fame and destruction tokens toward you...or smash your rival with new special power cards to become the ultimate King of Tokyo! Call, message us, or stop by to request your copy today! #preordernow #preorder #kingoftokyoduel #kingoftokyo #iellogames #boardgame #oneplease
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Board game Spotlight: Forges of Ravenshire

Board game Spotlight: Forges of Ravenshire

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight
Grab a hammer and some steel, it’s time to forge! The Blacksmiths Guild of Ravenshire is in need of a new Forgemaster. You and your fellow smiths are competing to see who can make the most money and become the new Forgemaster. Forges of Ravenshire is played over 4 seasons or rounds. Each season starts with the gathering phase where players will acquire contracts, recruit guild members, and gather resources. 1–4 Players �Play Time 50–100 Min �Suggested Age Age: 12+
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Board game Spotlight: River Valley Glassworks

Board game Spotlight: River Valley Glassworks

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight
Welcome to River Valley! The beautiful pieces of glass that can be found along the river here have attracted the most entrepreneurial of woodland creatures to set up shop. In River Valley Glassworks, you play as one of these pioneers, drafting glass from the market of river tiles. 1–5 Players 25–45 Min Playing Time Age: 8+ #boardgames #boardgamespotlight #allplaygames
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Board game Spotlight: The Mandalorian: Adventures

Board game Spotlight: The Mandalorian: Adventures

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight
Board game Spotlight: The Mandalorian: Adventures When offered a lucrative job, a lone bounty hunter begins a journey that will put his skills to the test and redefine his world. The Mandalorian: Adventures allows players to experience a new part of the Star Wars universe on their tabletops. Navigating unique maps and missions, players must co-operate to accomplish their goals and avoid defeat. 1–4 Players 30–60 Min Playing Time Age: 12+ #starwars#boardgamespotlight
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Preorder Aquatica: Coral Reefs Expansion

Preorder Aquatica: Coral Reefs Expansion

Board Game, Preorders
If you see anything you're interested in, please send us a message, stop by, or call your preferred location. Coral Reefs is an expansion to the base game Aquatica that introduces the Southern Tribes, more underwater creatures, new characters, and Manta Ray encounters that can turn the rules of the game upside down! In Aquatica, an engine-building strategy board game, players compete to become the most powerful Sea King. They will play cards from their hands, activate powerful combos, capture locations, recruit creatures, and more—everything to gain the most Victory Points by the end of the game. Coral Reefs perfectly complements the base game and its other Cold Waters expansion. It comes with several new modules with additional goals and mechanics, along with new components like coral reef miniatures and transparent reef cards. Together with its expansions, Aquatica is…
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Preorder: Daitoshi $69.99

Preorder: Daitoshi $69.99

Board Game, Preorders
We have finally perfected the power of steam, and we can now use it to our advantage! We live in an unprecedented era of progress, and new steam-powered inventions are developed faster than ever. Cities are growing, trade is flourishing, and we are developing our most ambitious machine ever: a giant contraption that will bring even more progress to the city. Yes, some trees are being cut down, and the river doesn't flow as plentifully as before, but there's still an abundance of trees and water, and we can use the extra space to expand our city — and it's not like the old creatures on those forests can do anything about it. On your turn in Daitoshi, you either produce or move your magnate to a new district in which…
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Preorder Planta Nubo $69.99

Preorder Planta Nubo $69.99

Board Game, Preorders
In Planta Nubo players grow energy-rich flowers and plants in cloudy gardens – the treetops of the Arbors. Deliver them to bee-like airships which transport them to the biomass converters to be transformed into green energy. Sow woods on the freshly harvested soil. Energize helpful modules while your woods, your bots and the Arbor produce desperately needed oxygen. Make good use of your tools to perform actions and use your garden bot to help you grow flowers. Supply your platform bot with energy to use modules and operate Oxyfarms. Turn your Arbor into the best oxygen production facility! If you produce the most oxygen by the end of the game you win!
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Board Game Spotlight: Redwood

Board Game Spotlight: Redwood

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight
Redwood is a game of movement estimations and angle of view where players have to take pictures of wild animals to compose the most beautiful panorama. The game is for 1 to 4 players, ages 10+ and the games last about 45-60 min. During their turn, each player will have to choose between different movements and their angle of view (materialized by real plastic elements) to catch the animals in the picture (without disturbing them). Collecting animals and decorative elements earn victory points. During the game, new conditions for earning points will appear. The game ends after 5 turns and players will be rewarded if they meet certain conditions to earn more points. 1–4 Players, 45-60 Min Playing Time, Age: 10+
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Board Game Spotlight: Trash Talk

Board Game Spotlight: Trash Talk

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight
In Trash Talk, you and your fellow raccoons are trying to communicate with one another through the medium that you know best: trash. In the first round of play, three word cards are revealed, and each player (or team) secretly assigns the same three objects to these three words. These objects come from an assortment of odd items included in the box. Does the plastic plant best match the word "double", "dream", or "sharp"? Once both sides have locked in their choices, reveal the objects. If you match all three objects, put those cards aside, add a fourth object, lay out new cards, and play another round; if not, try again with three new cards. If you fail again, you lose the game. If you successfully make your way up…
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Board Game Spotlight: Mycelia (2023)

Board Game Spotlight: Mycelia (2023)

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight
Each player starts with the same set of cards in Mycelia, improving their deck with better cards over the course of play as they race to clear their playing field of dewdrops first. In this deck-building game, you need the support of mysterious forest dwellers to improve your deck, develop new and better skills, and bring the sacred dewdrops from your forest to the Shrine of Life in order to receive the forest goddess' support. The game includes double-sided player boards for increased variability. 1–4 Players, 30–45 Min Playing Time, Age: 9+
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Board Game Spotlight: Word Traveler

Board Game Spotlight: Word Traveler

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight
In Word Traveler, you and your friends are tourists who are checking out the sights of a new city. Each player has their own secret map of locations that they want to visit, and they'll need help from the other players to reach them. Taking turns playing the traveler and the locals, you all work together to visit as many of these locations as possible, ideally collecting all of the golden souvenirs that you find. You know only a few words of the local language, however, so the locals — that is, the other players — will do their best to interpret your clues to help get you where you want to go...without getting lost in translation. 2–5 Players, 30–45 Min Playing Time, Age: 10+
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Board Game Spotlight: Sheep in Disguise

Board Game Spotlight: Sheep in Disguise

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight
Sheep in Disguise is a vibrant and strategic card game about protecting adorably-helpless Sheep from being devoured by the many outrageous and dangerous predators of the world. Collect Flocks of Sheep, keep them safe from Attacks, and use Action cards to destroy anyone that gets in your way! 2–6 Players 20–45 Min Playing Time Age: 10+
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Unfathomable: From the Abyss Expansion

Unfathomable: From the Abyss Expansion

Board Game, Preorders
If you see something you’d like to preorder, please shoot us a message on social media, call, or stop by. The Game Shoppe Bellevue Facebook Message The Game Shoppe Omaha Facebook Message From the Abyss Expansion This voyage just got a lot more dangerous. In From the Abyss, a new expansion for Unfathomable, the SS Atlantica and its journey to Boston are submerged in even deeper peril. New, horrifying monsters emerge from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean to assail the ship, and the waters of the ocean itself have grown violent enough to sweep the passengers overboard. New treacheries are here to sabotage the ship, and with the mythos deck doubling in size, fresh dangers will threaten the Atlantica at every turn. Fortunately, the humans aboard this ship have…
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Board Game Spotlight: Canvas: Reflections

Board Game Spotlight: Canvas: Reflections

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight
Paint from a new perspective! In Canvas: Reflections, the artistic puzzle has a new layer -- Mirror Cards! These reversible cards add deeper strategy, and also give you increased flexibility to string together combinations of Elements. Additionally, the new board offers a wider selection of Art Cards that allows you to better plan ahead and presents more choices even when running low on Inspiration Tokens. 1–5 Players, 30 Min Playing Time, Age: 14+ Also features:Gold Bonus Ribbons - Grab a Gold Bonus Ribbon for lining up a specific Element next to a Gold Bonus icon. New Scoring Cards for puzzling new challenges and added replayability. #boardgamespotlight # RoadToInfamyGames #R2iGames
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Board Game Spotlight: Canvas: Finishing Touches

Board Game Spotlight: Canvas: Finishing Touches

Board Game, Board Game Spotlight
The gallery is seeking new masterpieces! In Canvas: Finishing Touches, complete your works of art and show them off to the world with the new Frames! These Frames add a layer of interaction as players compete to have their work displayed on the gallery wall. Also features:Platinum Ribbons - Grab a Platinum Ribbon whenever your painting is framed in the gallery. New Scoring Cards for puzzling new challenges and added replayability. 1–5 Players, 30 Min Playing Time, Age: 14+ #boardgamespotlight # RoadToInfamyGames #R2iGames
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