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Nucleum: Australia $30.00, the energetic revolution started in saxony was so impactful that everyone wanted to start using Nucleums in their regions. Australia’s huge deposits of uranium were ripe for the taking, leading to new visionaries, lured by the number of possibilities, visiting the continent and changing it into a new global power. Now, these entrepreneurs have to face new challenges presented by the sheer size of Australia, but clever use of the ships will help them to transport resources much faster than by rail and to get access to a nearby island of Tasmania where a mad scientist conducted his own experiments and managed to replicate Elsa’s invention which is now proudly presented as an experimental power plant in the island’s capital Hobart.

★ A new map that requires reinventing your strategies to a new geography and new mechanics
★ Introduction of ships, new type of connection that allows you to expand your network faster using new player wooden pieces, boats
★ Coal mines adding another option to utilize industrialize action. Own your personal coal supply that you can use for free every time you energize as long as you can connect it
• 1 New Main Board
• 13 New Setup Cards
• 8 Coal Mine Tiles
• 11 New Contracts (Including 2 Replacements)
• 1 New Milestone
• 5 New Action Tiles
• 3 Neutral Boats
• 1 Nucleum Token
• 1 Power Plant Standee
• 2 Sideboard Overlays
♦ In Each Player Color (4x):
• 1 New Special Shipping Tile
• 4 Boats
• 1 Coal Mine Extraction Tile
Haven’t tried Nucleum yet? It’s is a heavy euro board game in which players take role of industrialists trying to succeed during the economic and technological boom of 19th-century Saxony, fueled by the invention and spread of the Nucleum (a nuclear reactor).