Expected OCT 2024
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Nucleum: Court of Progress introduces several new concepts and rule changes that can be added to the base game and/or Nucleum: Australia. Via the new Court action players get a chance to send their workers to political parties and even become their leaders to gain various benefits. Joining a Party provides instant rewards and opportunities to earn VP during King’s Day Scoring, which is now much more significant. The expansion also adds two new Experiments, new action tiles, contracts, etc.
But wait, there is MORE!
This mini expansion brings Patron Cards into the game.

Each Patron Card belongs to the specific Experiment board. In the base game those Experiments are distinguished by letters only. Now, on every Patron card you can see the occupation of each Patron associated with the specific Experiment along with their description and image depicting them. From now on, Experiments will be referred to using names of their Patrons introduced by this mini expansion:
Experiment A -> Banker
Experiment B -> Captain of Industry
Experiment C -> Mistress Inventor
Experiment D -> Junior Minister
Experiment E -> Councilor
Experiment F -> Madame Engineer
1–4 Players, Play Time 60–150 Min, Age: 14+