If you see anything you’re interested in, please send us a message, stop by, or call your preferred location. These titles are special order only. Don’t delay on preordering them.

“The Isle is tiny, a mere 40 acres of forbidding rock and low grasses. Seen from the sea, the monastery buildings stand adjacent to the peak of the isle, lit by a fire atop a tower. The monks never let the fire go out.
“Cliffs rise above the bitter sea, mauled by waves and weather. Fallen stones jut like Frisian horses, big enough to skewer whales. The abbot knows this, because he has seen it.”
An adventure for The Vanilla Game or another fantastic or historical roleplaying game of your choosing, by Luke Gearing. Includes the isle itself, the monks that inhabit it and protect its secret, and the large, open-ended dungeon beneath.
Dungeon Crawl Classics: Adventure: Champions of the Goblin Market
Defying age-old warnings, the characters delve into time-haunted ravines on a night when peril is said to be greatest, Midsummer Eve, in pursuit of missing girls and mystical fortunes. The girls’ trail leads to a wonderful and gruesome festival gathering, the Goblin Market, held Midsummer in prehistoric elven ruins. The characters use cleverness and combat skill to overcome sin-eating bugbears, demonic rabies, countless conniving goblins and an enslaved legend to save the girls and unearth the ancient secrets hidden in the Goblin Market!

Dungeon Crawl Classics: Adventure: Dying Earth #10: Passage to the Manse of Erudite Wonderment
Goodman Games is proud to announce DCC DE #10 Passage to the Manse of Erudite Wonderment, the latest adventure in their DCC Dying Earth product line. In this adventure, the party must survive a perilous journey across the wilds of the Dying Earth to the enigmatic home of one of the world’s last magicians. Along the way, they’ll have to overcome dangers both magical and mundane, not to mention the inter-party grudges!
DCC DE #10 Passage to the Manse of Erudite Wonderment was inspired by the DCC Dying Earth team’s visit to the home of Jack Vance wherein they enjoyed the opportunity to view the famed writer’s personal possessions and speak with his son, John Vance, about his father and his fantastical work. It is intended for 2nd level DCC Dying Earth characters.